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When dot measuring work is processing at long work distance, not easy to reach with any manual dot projecting tool, it makes even better job with a Berlinlasers economy red dot laser alignment. It applies an import 650nm 80mW red laser diode and metal heat sink cooling system. It is assuring increasing laser beam stability and highly clear red dot projection in continuous use.
Being made with highly durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube and qualified glass coated lens, this 650nm red laser module is working well with highly clear and stable red dot projection, and no laser light decay or blur. It is applying for various working environments. After its freely adjusted laser beam focus and dot emitting direction, within the maximum work distance of 25 meters, it assures the most precise dot measurement for drilling system, laser marking, laser engraving, laser medical therapy and high tech work etc.
contact direct : [email protected]
contact direct : [email protected]
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in any type of ultra clear and precise dot indication at various work distances, it makes a good job...
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