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Aspirateurs - Electroménager ? Artemare

Adjustable Focus Berlinlasers 650nm Red Laser Line Generator

Publiée le 21/08/2019 par summer

Whenever users are trying to make highly clear and fine line alignment at quite long work distance, in current industrial and high tech precise device manufacturing work fields, it is quite nice experience to use Berlinlasers 650nm red line laser module. It is generating intense red laser beam from 650nm red laser diode directly, owing to quite nice equipment with inner metal heat sink cooling system inside aluminum alloy housing tube, it is becoming the most practically used laser lie alignment device.
After quite easy connect with an external DC input power supply, within wide range output power of 5mW to 100mW, it is keeping continuous and highly clear red reference line projection. It is accepting wide range electric current within 10V to 240V, applied for majority of country and regions in use. Under special installation and easy screw of adjustable cylindrical lens, laser line generator gets quite rapid red light concentration and the clearest red reference line projection in distance perfectly.

Prix : 78 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 626335
  • Lieu : Artemare (01)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Electroménager / Aspirateurs
  • Annonce consultée 306 fois -
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Adjustable Focus Berlinlasers 650nm Red Laser Line Generator
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