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iPhone - Téléphonie ? Barberier
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Wholesale Refurbished IPhone 5S 32GB CellPhoneAge Com

Publiée le 16/12/2016 par Chris

Looking for the best refurbished iPhone deals, contracts and upgrades? Now you can get a refurbished iPhone 5s with over 50% off original iPhone's price! The Apple iPhone 5s 4-inch Retina display, A7 chip with M7 motion coprocessor, faceTime HD camera, iSight camera with True Tone flash, Touch ID fingerprint sensor. Compare the features of the different iPhone models and see which one is right for you. The highly advanced iPhone 5s is not only loaded with features and innovations, it's incredible value. 100% Professionally Tested and Certified to be Fully Functional.All IMEI, MEID, ESN are clear also the Apple ID is clear. Storage is available in 32GB. Color is available in Gold, Silver, Space Gray.
Product conditions:
1.The item is seller refurbished and in excellent cosmetic condition
2.Grade A Stock,item has been restored to the factory settings.
3.100% Professionally Tested and Certified to be Fully Functional.All IMEI, MEID, ESN are clear also the Apple ID is clear.
4.No scrathes or scrapes on housing or screen or the retail packages,just like new.
5.Without contract,this phone is ready to be used with an existing service or a new one.
6.Factory unlocked - It will work with a SIM card from any GSM Network worldwide.
Please check out below link to place orders.

Prix : 149 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 532208
  • Lieu : Barberier (03)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Téléphonie / iPhone
  • Annonce consultée 468 fois -
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Wholesale Refurbished IPhone 5S 32GB CellPhoneAge Com
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