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trekking au maroc

Publiée le 26/12/2009 par trekking

Dynamic guide de montagne et desert , Khalid Oukraou, is a skilled young man with a spirit of adventure.
A graduate of the Centre de Formation Aux Metiers de Montagne, Licence N° ZA 549 (mountain and desert guide training centre), Khalid is qualified and approved by the Moroccan Tourism Ministry.  He has also studied legal, political and social sciences to attain a General Studies Diploma from Kadi Ayad University.
Originally from a Berber village in the Dades Valley, Khalid's background makes him an ideal spokesperson on Berber culture.  His knowledge of the mountains and valleys of the Atlas and the deserts beyond coupled with his training ensure travellers experience the timeless wonders of nature in safety and with limited impact on the fragile environment.
Khalid's interests are many and he enjoys discussions on a variety of topics.  He has sound knowledge of Berber history and culture.  His own interest in nature and his surroundings ensures there is ample time for travellers to appreciate and experience the uniqueness of Morocco from its vibrant medinas to the remote mountains and desert regions.
English, French, German, Arabic are some of the languages spoken by Khalid.  He is therefore able to communite easily with travellers and locals alike.
Khalid would be happy to provide referees from previous adventure treks and tours.

Prix : 000 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 124028
  • Lieu : Paris (75)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Vacances / Afrique
  • Annonce consultée 1118 fois -
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trekking au maroc
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