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The demand for cell phone jammers is increasing year by year

Publiée le 14/03/2022 par cao

With the popularity of mobile phones, the demand for mobile phone signal jammers in various conferences and exams has also increased significantly, and mobile phone signal jammer devices naturally have a broad market. However, most customers lack sufficient understanding of mobile phone signal jammers, and often choose high-power jammers one-sidedly in order to achieve good results, causing many hidden dangers. The principle of the mobile phone signal jammer is to use the broadband transmission interference signal to interfere with the uplink signal of the mobile phone, so as to achieve the function of shielding the mobile phone from working. Therefore, it is a signal emission source in itself. Since it is a signal emission source, there is naturally radiation. The transmit power of the current shielding device varies from 1W to 480W according to the needs of use. How strong is this transmission power? In contrast, the maximum transmit power of a GSM mobile phone is 2W, while the usual transmit power of a GSM macro base station is between 20W-40W. The transmission power of shielding devices generally used for exams and conferences is between 10W-60W.
8 Antennas portable jammer
Today, the widespread use of mobile phones and the rapid development of communications have brought people closer to each other. However, while communication technology brings convenience to people, it also brings new challenges to communication security and confidentiality. Mobile phone eavesdropping, leaking secrets, cheating in examination rooms, major explosions at gas stations, and unauthorized use of mobile phones by prisoners are not uncommon. At this point, it is obvious that a high-power cell phone jammer system needs to be installed. The shielding range of the whole system is also very wide. Open spaces or large areas of signal shielding in confidential areas such as prisons, schools, troops, large factories and mines.
Under normal circumstances, for general exams and small conferences, choosing a mobile phone jammer with a transmit power of 2W-10W can achieve good results. However, according to our survey of major schools and important meeting places, many places tend to pursue high-power mobile phone jammers one-sidedly. For example, a school has more than 20 classrooms, each classroom is equipped with a jammer, and it is selected. There is a transmit power of 30W. After the exam, due to insufficient use, a few shielding devices are often not closed in time, and the launch lasts for several weeks. Especially in a primary school, after a certain exam, the mobile phone jammer was not turned off for 2 weeks. Until we checked the scene, on the classroom podium of the entire class, the shielding device was constantly on! This really puts us to shame!

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Prix : 1000 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 863771
  • Lieu : Andelaroche (03)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Audio / Vidéo / Amplis Audio
  • Annonce consultée 266 fois -
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The demand for cell phone jammers is increasing year by year
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