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Divers - Vins / Gastronomie ? Paris

The coffee that fixed my blood pressure

Publiée le 11/02/2017 par Gergely

Long ago I had to stop drinking coffee. My blood pressure was high and I got dizzy, my heart was pounding. I could not enjoy the benefits.
3 years ago, however, I tasted a very delicate coffee containing a special herb made from premium Brazilian Arabica coffee mixed with 100% pure organic Ganoderma medicinal mushroom extract.
Since then many of my problems disappeared, including high blood pressure as well. I drink it in the morning on an empty stomach immediately because it is alkaline and does not burn my stomach. My heart does not beat like crazy, the coffee’s Ganoderma content adjusts my blood pressure nicely. It nicely keeps me on a level without no later over speeding and sudden lethargy. I drink about five cups a day when I feel like it because of the taste too. :)
More about DXN Healthy Coffee:
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Prix : 15 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 546320
  • Lieu : Paris (75)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Vins / Gastronomie / Divers
  • Annonce consultée 541 fois -
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The coffee that fixed my blood pressure
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