We present you the selling offer of S.C. ECOTURISM DELTA DUNARII S.R.L (Phone: 0040733 00 00 33) company’s shares. Based in Bucharest, Romania, the company has evaluated investments of 7,360,000 euro in South-Eastern Europe, Romania, the Danube Delta area.
The company’s investments are grouped in the following activity fields:
a) Fish farm – 736 hectares = 1,819 acres - (not yet exploited, in preservation);
b) Reed exploitation – 600 hectares (within the 736 hectares) suitable for agricultural farm (rice culture);
c) Touring complex:
– 10 wooden cabins (250 sq. m) with reed roofs, each with its own bathroom, dining room, kitchen - 95% operational;
– 4 brickwork building complex (1,200 sq. m) - 30% operational;
d) Means of transportation by water - 40% operational.
We offer intermediary commission of:
10% from the minimum accepted selling price of 3,500,000 euro
50% from the possible difference exceeding 3,500,000 euro.
Website: www.ecoturism-delta-dunarii.ro
Phone: (+40) 733 00 00 33
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