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Aspirateurs - Electroménager ? Artemare

Quick Response Berlinlasers 532nm Green Laser Line Generator

Publiée le 07/09/2020 par summer

When users are trying to make quite easy and highly clear line alignment onto various targeting surfaces, it should be very efficient solution to make use of Berlinlasers green laser line generator. It is projecting highly bright green laser beam from middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser, after basic use of thermal emitting system and an AC/DC adapter, it makes sure of intense green laser beam and highly clear green laser line alignment in continuous use effectively.
Either it is pointing at close distance or long distance, 532nm green laser line generator enables easy choices of output power within 5mW to 100mW. It is adopting qualified glass coated lens, which enables highly visible green laser beam emission at several miles far away, and extremely fine line indication as long as 25 meters. Users should make simple measurement of technical data and experiment, after correct selection of output power and fan angle, 532nm green laser module makes no mistake and no barrier line alignment constantly.
Technical data:
Item: Berlinlasers 532nm green laser line generator
Output power: 5mW-100mW
Laser class: IIIa, IIIb
Fan angles: 10-110°glass coated lens
Applications: textile garment processing, laser cutting, sand milling, lumber machine etc

Prix : 40 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 732727
  • Lieu : Artemare (01)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Electroménager / Aspirateurs
  • Annonce consultée 288 fois -
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Quick Response Berlinlasers 532nm Green Laser Line Generator
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