Coltan ore processing is a rare metal with a content of 0.0002% in the earth's crust, which is often co-existed with niobium in nature. Many minerala Contain tantalum mineral content, but seldom tantalum mineral mine(Ta/Nb ≥ 1), with industrial value of the main minerals are: coltan[(Fe, Mn) (Ta, Nb) 2 o6], heavy tantalite (FeTa2O6), microlite [(Na, Ca) Ta2O6 (O, OH, F)] and black thin gold [(Y, Ca, Ce, U, Th) (Nb, Ta, Ti) 2 o6], etc. Portable gold trommel is portable gold wash plant, which belongs to GT series. It is mainly used in mines, coal, electricity, construction, chemicals, etc, which can classify, desliming, and dehydrate to coarse size materials. With the upgrading of GT rotary screen, this rotary screen is widely used in the working of early stage in placer/alluvial gold processing. At the same time, it also can screen and loose the placer/alluvial gold with a high content clay matching rotary scrubber or chute feeder.
Carbon in Pulp is to put activated carbon into cyanide pulp, adsorb dissolved gold by activated carbon, and then extract gold from activated carbon. It mainly includes the preparation of leaching raw materials, stirring leaching and countercurrent carbon adsorption, gold-carrying carbon desorption, electrowinning, melting ingots, carbon regeneration and other operations.
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