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Military Targeting with Berlinlasers Green Laser Pointer

Publiée le 25/08/2016 par summer

Not the same as any other visible laser device, Berlinlasers green laser pointer is getting the most sensitive and easily absorbed green laser beam emission to human eyes. When it gets super low output power of 5mW, green laser beam is still highly visible and bright as long as 2 kilometers in distance. When this green laser pointer is being used in military targeting work, it is very helpful for users to make clear and rapid measurement of work distance from energy and clear positioning of energy base.
This Berlinlasers green laser pointer is very simple to use, which is supported by alkaline battery. Only after very simple insert of 2 pieces of AAA batteries with correct direction, it begins to work immediately. This military laser pointer is designed with pen type, which is always very easy to carry and operate in all military targeting work. Although it is a Class IIIa laser pen, safe to eyes, however, users should still pay high attention to basis laser measuring and laser safety rules, getting the most marvelous show in all military targeting and military excise works efficiently.

Prix : 42 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 492075
  • Lieu : Artemare (01)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Divers / Objets Divers
  • Annonce consultée 417 fois -
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Military Targeting with Berlinlasers Green Laser Pointer
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