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Commercial - Emploi ? Boissy-Saint-Léger
Accueil > Emploi > Commercial > Boissy-Saint-Léger

import export commercial bilingue Anglais (English)

Publiée le 24/02/2008 par moun

I do offer my experience of 25 years serving high companies products. I was marketing products in dental , medical detergents and sanitazing fields in several countries, I am based in France as French citizen .I do speak fluently four langues. Countries experience Such Belgium Germany Switzerland Italy that is in Europe. Then north Africa as well as major African countries such Egypt, Nigeria, cote d'ivoire Libya; and middle east as well as gulf countries Kuwait , six Emiratis, Bahrain, Saudi well as in orient singapur Hong kong.
Actually I am managing inport export bm-dental company with 15 employees. I'm hoping that with this short resume can generate more interest from you. In this regard ,Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to be your representative with having high a professional attitude. Sincerely Yours BM-DENAL Bani; manager 11 avenue allary 94450 limeil-brevannes FRANCE el:33/172501012

Prix : 30000 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 6584
  • Lieu : Boissy-Saint-Léger (94)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Emploi / Commercial
  • Annonce consultée 2092 fois -
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