In order to make highly precise line alignment at various work distances, different from manual line drawing work, it makes even better job with a Berlinlasers 650nm red line laser module. It is an industrial stabilized line aligning tool, being made with import 650nm red laser diode and cooling system inside metal housing tube, which obtains superior nice thermal emitting and increasing stability red line alignment in constant use.
This laser line generator applies a qualified glass coated lens within 10 to 110 degree and glass window, it is performing well with high linear quality and high fineness red line emission within 0.5 meter to 6 meters line lengths. After its easy screw of adjustable focus optic lens, it enables focused red laser light emission and increasing accuracy red line alignment at long work distance effectively.
Applications: lumber machine, laser car wheel alignment system, laser cutting, saw mill, military targeting and laser medical therapy device
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