Petites annonces gratuites
wwwitstextilecom our main page.contact yelizozdemir (at) itstextilecom In 1995, ITS Textile was founded as a company in Denizli, Which manufactures and exports textile products from home.
Our goal is to make the SATISFACTIONDE OUR CLENTÈLE. We are very confident that we simply can not abandon the principles of quality that our customers will naturally require. For these reasons, all orders will be executed carefully. It is also our chief desire to satisfy all your requests on time delivery and a COMFORM your desires.
Our primary aim in this policy is to have the most positive results for the benefit of our customers have the best competitive price at the same time Provides the latest techniques in the "know-how with its alternatives. Finally, we guarantee all our deliveries flawlessly and so accurate.
We have certificates "OEKO and ISO 9001-2000 as the register of our quality.
Finalemant, we can offer you professional and specific resolutions to your home regarding the production, export and wholesale.
Thank you for your attention and we look forward to hearing a response from you and in the meantime, please accept our best regards.
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