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Congélateurs - Electroménager ? Artemare

High Beam Stability 5mW to 100mW 532nm Green Laser Diode Module

Publiée le 15/07/2024 par summer

In order to get ideal dot alignment accuracy at different work distances, it should be a quite nice solution to operate a high brightness device of a Berlinlasers 532nm green laser diode module. It is an industrial stabilized dot alignment tool, employed by a metal heat sink cooling system and APC, ACC driving circuit board, it gets superior nice thermal emitting and thermal stabilization. Within long lasting dot alignment of 10 hours, it still keeps high level of laser light cycling use and long serving lifetime in proper use.
This laser diode module passes through up to 24 hours beam stability and aging preventing test, which is keeping work with high transmittance and high density green laser light source emission, and ultra clear green dot projection as long as 25 hours. Within the longest work distance of 25 meters and high lighting occasion, after correct use of output power and freely adjusted dot diameter, it brings users the best dot alignment experience for all machinery processing works effectively.
Applications: industrial device manufacturing, laser marking, laser engraving, drilling system, scientific experiment, high tech

Prix : 45 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 936533
  • Lieu : Artemare (01)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Electroménager / Congélateurs
  • Annonce consultée 75 fois -
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High Beam Stability 5mW to 100mW 532nm Green Laser Diode Module
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