So you can get a green laser pointer 100mW have to burn games like Cut electrical tape, burning plastic or rubber, and popping balloons, 50mW choose Blue Laser Pointer of the night sky astronomy and the presentation of the heavenly bodies, and low-power 5mW green laser and a presentation or just a toy for dogs and cats.Although the green laser pointer from 50mW to 150mW all adapted for use in astronomical research, while the high power green laser pointers are much more ordered specially for use in
heavy fog or other bad weather conditions. For example, people have to choose a high power green laser pointer, if you make the stars and constellations with a group of people behind him. The delicate color to the naked eye and visibility at great distances, the beam of laser light is observing powerful gadget used celestial bodies. One can illuminate in the direction of the laser light in the sky is always clear and easy observation of the stars and constellations.
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