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Cours Langues - Cours / Education ? Alleins

GPS jammer designed for intercepting satellite positioning

Publiée le 30/09/2020 par blocker

The full-featured, handheld gps jammer for cell phones has an extremely long signal interception range of 10 meters. The GPS portable satellite signal interceptor is specially designed for the satellite location (GPS interference, mobile phone, Google network positioning, etc.), which is inconvenient for certain confidential people and people. You can protect your privacy and the confidentiality of information. Small size, powerful function, light weight, large coverage, and easy to use and carry. The signal jammer system has a car power supply and charger.
The portable mobile phone jammer 3G 4G sends out signals. The signal jamming transmitter has been specially developed to block all GPS, GSM, CDMA and DCS systems with a radius of up to 10 m. What's even more amazing! This 3G portable cell phone signal jammer can protect you from GPS and cell phone signal tracking systems. It has a built-in rechargeable lithium battery that provides long-lasting energy. You can also charge the device while it is still in use. It can be used on various occasions in schools, churches, conference rooms, hospitals and other places where cell phones may cause interference or interference.
The signal blocker for gps requires little jamming energy to temporarily or completely block GPS signals. Because GPS satellites orbit more than 20,000 kilometers around the earth's surface, they have a relatively low transmission power. Even a very small GPS jammer will interfere with the signal within a radius of about 10 meters. This means that GPS trackers can no longer be used for GPS tracking of vehicles. A variant of GPS interference is so-called GPS spoofing. In this more complex method, the jammer sends the wrong GPS signal and therefore simulates the satellite signal as e.g. B. Guide the enemy vehicle, ship or airplane on the wrong route.
There is almost no complete protection against GPS interference. There are techniques that can reduce the effect. However, this is costly and complex and is therefore most commonly used in the military or aerospace sectors. However, they are impractical for medium-sized businesses and are not recommended. If, as a fleet manager, you discover inconsistencies or malfunctions in GPS technology, you should investigate them and, last but not least, look for jamming stations. However, it is impossible to prevent malfunctions caused by, for example, theft or misuse of the vehicle by criminal energy. Regular inspections of hardware and software as well as quick action in the event of problems can usually prevent errors.

Prix : 129 €
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GPS jammer designed for intercepting satellite positioning
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