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Good Performance Green Line Laser Alignment

Publiée le 14/04/2017 par summer

Whenever you are looking for a high speed and high accuracy line positioning result, it is far more enough to get ideal result with simple square meter or any other manual line drawing tool, since it is extremely hard to achieve none mistake operation as expected. However, when users are getting the best of green line laser alignment from Berlin lasers, owing to its high output power and high linear quality, the real laser line aligning is applicable for all work distances, while still making sure of no mistake line alignment for a lot of industrial and high tech work fields.
The operation of green line laser alignment can get assistance from a mounting bracket. According to its proper installation and adjustment of laser line targeting direction and laser line thickness, green laser line is available with different dimension within 0.5 meter to 6 meters. According to quite easy selection of laser lens degree from 10 degree to 110 degree, this laser line generator gets quite quick and accurate line alignment on all working surfaces effectively.

Prix : 75 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 558332
  • Lieu : Artemare (01)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Collection / Stylos
  • Annonce consultée 682 fois -
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Good Performance Green Line Laser Alignment
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