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Aspirateurs - Electroménager ? Achères

Easy Measuring Tool of Berlinlasers 445nm Blue Laser Diode Module

Publiée le 24/04/2019 par summer

Without any serious relying on manual operation, only if the genuine dot alignment is processed with intense beam 445nm blue laser diode module, it would become quite easy and efficient solution to make immediate and highly clear dot generation in distance. It is getting beginning high power up to 50mW to 100mW, equipped with inner metal heat sink cooling system, this metal housing tube made blue dot laser just achieves excellent thermal conductivity and the most stable blue dot projection in continuous work.
This 445nm blue laser diode module is easy to operate in any type of industrial machinery processing works. When it is generating high transmittance laser light from glass coated lens, it is just keeping work with highly clear blue dot projection in long term use. According to quite easy adjustment of laser beam focus, highly intense blue laser light is temporarily focused into quite small size blue dot in use. Within freely installed distance of 3 meters, this blue dot laser assures easy and quick blue dot generation for any type of industrial and scientific research works etc.

Prix : 95 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 601324
  • Lieu : Achères (18)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Electroménager / Aspirateurs
  • Annonce consultée 385 fois -
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Easy Measuring Tool of Berlinlasers 445nm Blue Laser Diode Module
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