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Aspirateurs - Electroménager ? Artemare

Different Output Power Made Berlinlasers 980nm Infrared Dot Laser Alignment

Publiée le 08/03/2022 par summer

In order to make clear enough dot measurement under all night version fields, not able to work with manual dot projecting tool, it makes much more efficient job with a long wavelength made device of Berlinlasers 980nm infrared dot laser alignments. It emits invisible infrared laser beam directly from 980nm infrared laser diode. After getting constant power source supply and proper mounting onto all night version device, it makes high efficiency infrared laser light conversion and highly clear infrared reference dot projection under all night version fields.

Prix : 42 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 862487
  • Lieu : Artemare (01)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Electroménager / Aspirateurs
  • Annonce consultée 249 fois -
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Different Output Power Made Berlinlasers 980nm Infrared Dot Laser Alignment
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