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Bijoux - Bijoux / Montre ? Paris

Diamonds Leaf Ring

Publiée le 31/05/2011 par Jewelry (PRO)

White gold ring, with diamonds on six leaves.
Entirely handmade at the Valenza laboratory, where there are the best setters in the world.
We collaborate with them, to offer quality in an absolute sense.
We turn to our labs in Valencia, where the jewel requires special attention and diamonds embedding capacity.
So the diamonds can be appreciated in all their brightness and size. For our jewelry, we demand the best.
This ring is formed by two circles in white gold tied together at the bottom and widen at the top, where it contains six small leaves.
Like a branch in gold-filled, the small leaves are placed inside to make room for two small diamonds held by jaws.
The special effect is like a shuttle.
In reality there are two diamonds.
This arrangement allows you to wear a sought and looked impressive jewel, spending a very low price.
This type of embedding allows you to have a safe and practical ring, as the domestic brands do not attack.
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Prix : 950 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 215586
  • Lieu : Paris (75)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Bijoux / Montre / Bijoux
  • Annonce consultée 1094 fois -
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Diamonds Leaf Ring
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