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Accessoires Chiens - Animaux ? Banvou

China Iron Dog Beds Manufacturer & Exporter Pet Furniture Factory Dog Beds Cat Tree Supplier

Publiée le 27/08/2009 par LEE

( Pet Beds, Cat Trees, Iron Dog Beds Factory, China Cat Scratcher, Car Boat Air Plane Dog Beds Exporter, Pet Bed Cat Tree Wrought Iron Metal Pet Beds, China Pet Dog Cat Furniture Pet Products Manufacturer & Exporter )
Hi there, This is China Beijing Diosen Pet Products Co., Ltd. We are the major and professional Manufacturer & Exporter of the Pet Products from China Beijing. We are able to offer you distinctive styles as well as high-qualified goods with environment-friendly materials. Meanwhile we can also render you efficient service of transportation. To manufacture and supply Trustworthy and Innovative Pet Products is our key objective. The satisfaction of our customers is our number one priority.
Welcome visit our website WWW.PETBED-CATTREE.COM and tell us the products numbers that you are interested in. We will provide you more accurate price list and detailed information asap.
Look forward to receiving your enquires soon :  )
China Pet Beds Factory WWW.PETBED-CATTREE.COM Iron Pet Beds Factory Dog Cat Tree Cat Furniture Manufacturer Pet Dog Products

Prix : 0 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 84824
  • Lieu : Banvou (61)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Animaux / Accessoires Chiens
  • Annonce consultée 2426 fois -
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China Iron Dog Beds Manufacturer & Exporter Pet Furniture Factory Dog Beds Cat Tree Supplier
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