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Baby-Sitter - Emploi ? Paris
Accueil > Emploi > Baby-Sitter > Paris

Bilingue en anglais ou allemand? Faites du baby-sitting en langues étrangères!

Publiée le 17/04/2014 par Baby-speaking

We are offering part time jobs in France: Paris, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Nantes, Bordeaux, Nice, Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier.
We are looking for native or bilingual English or German speakers for part-time language teaching (3-18 years old) or babysitting (3-12 years old) jobs. We are also looking for native French candidates who are fluent in English or German.
It’s more than just a student job!
• Join a community of foreign students and get the chance to make new friends from all over the world!
• Work with kids and pass on your knowledge and passion for languages!
• Discover a new way of teaching! You will use a specific method developed by experts in language acquisition (our company was named the 2009 most innovative Enterprise in Europe by the JCI).
• Free French classes for our employees in Paris!
You have to stay for at least 4 months.
Minimum level of French language is not required.
We adapt to your schedule: positions go from 2 to 20 hours per week.
Previous experience with children required (formal or informal)
Training included.
Salary: EUR 10-20 /hour.
To apply, fill-in the application form on our website:

Prix : 12 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 296572
  • Lieu : Paris (75)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Emploi / Baby-Sitter
  • Annonce consultée 686 fois -
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Bilingue en anglais ou allemand? Faites du baby-sitting en langues étrangères!
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