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Job étudiant - Emploi ? Paris

Baby-Sitting and Tutoring jobs available in France

Publiée le 28/08/2013 par Baby-speaking

Baby-speaking agency - a French agency specialized in childcare services - offers you babysitting and teaching positions in French families all over France (Paris, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Nantes, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Nice & Aix-en-Provence).
What are we offering?
-->Declared job in France (you are entitled to French health insurance)
-->Flexible hours (5 to 25 hours per week) : the job involves picking up French children from school, going home, playing with them in English using our specific teaching method
The usual work schedule with us is : Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday from 4.30 to 7 PM + half or full-day Wednesday 9 am to 7 PM.
According to your availabilities you choose the number of hours you'd like to work (5 to 20 hours per week).
IF a 20 hour per week job is not sufficient for you we can help you find other part time jobs in Paris
-->An attractive hourly salary from EUR 10 to 13 per hour for childcare, from EUR 13 to 20 for tutoring.
You can make up from EUR 200 to EUR 1000 per month (depending how many hours you want to work)
--> A training program to our teaching method : We are using an early language acquisition method developed by specialists in child bilingualism. (For this we have been 2009 Award Winner European Innovative Enterprise).
--> A valuable and enjoyable experience : you get to live in Paris, meet a French family and experience French culture, meet other baby-speakers . . . (living in Paris)
What are the requirements?
Above 18 years old.
No specific diploma is required but you need to have experience in working with children (babysitting and/or tutoring).
You need to be a native englishspeaker : We are recruiting 500 native English speakers to start working in Paris in September 2012.
Be available at least 2 days out of Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday on afterschool hours OR full Wednesday
No minimum level of French language is required
Apply on :

Prix : €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 275966
  • Lieu : Paris (75)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Emploi / Job étudiant
  • Annonce consultée 780 fois -
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Baby-Sitting and Tutoring jobs available in France
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