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Amplis Audio - Audio / Vidéo ? Arbori

Automaitc Tank Welding Machine

Publiée le 02/11/2020 par sha

For the Tank welding equipment, its welding seam is irregular, so the welding torch is required to walk out of welding seam path. Meanwhile, it should guarantee that the welding specification is as even and uniform as possible. The welding seam appearance is good and smooth. It is convenient and reliable to use machine.
Circular welding machines are the most commonly used types of welders in the United States. They are highly efficient and versatile machines that can be used for a wide variety of applications. Many people prefer to work with the circular welders over their other choices because they are very simple and easy to use. In fact, these machines can be operated by anyone who is reasonably skilled with a pair of gloves.
Circular welders are often referred to as "feed-type" welders. These types of welders have an "on-off" control switch, which controls the feed of the material into the welder at each time it is fed into the welder. The feed rate of the machine is controlled by the variable feed control. Depending on the machine's operating speed, the speed of the variable feed control is usually adjustable from three to seven thousand rpm. If the machine is operating at high speed, it will require higher load to maintain the feed rate. When the machine is operating at low speed, it will use less material and thus less energy is needed to operate it. We also have automatic cladding machine and longitudinal seam welder.

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Prix : 159 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 747603
  • Lieu : Arbori (20)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Audio / Vidéo / Amplis Audio
  • Annonce consultée 312 fois -
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