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Aging Preventing Green Laser Diode Module

Publiée le 18/01/2017 par summer

It would be the most proud moment for me to recommend users to use green dot laser alignment to get quite accurate and precise dot measurement for those of industrial dot aligning works. It gets the best application of advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech, equipped with its super lower laser beam divergence of less than 1mrad, green laser dot keeps the most compact size of diameter, which is just an ideal dot aligning solution for all industrial and high tech measurement works.
The real dot measurement from green laser dot laser alignment is supporting more than 8 hours, while still efficient enough to keep its high laser beam stability. Besides its larger space reserving as its metal heat sink cooling system, green laser module also gets the most strict aging preventing testing of more than 24 hours. When this green laser module is operated by professionals with basic laser measuring rules, it is just the best dot measuring solution for all industrial laser used fields.

Prix : 85 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 539750
  • Lieu : Artemare (01)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Electroménager / Divers
  • Annonce consultée 391 fois -
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Aging Preventing Green Laser Diode Module
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