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Terrains - Immobilier a Vendre ? Lettonie

A vendre terrain a' Riga

Publiée le 09/06/2010 par Abolte

Selling land (7336m2) for your business in Tiraine by Riga in business-type territory with the permitted building density of 60%, maximal building intensity 150%. With permission to build:
   a 3-storey building, permission to build business facilities, a sales and services object, light industry object with a business building, governing facility, sports facility, gas station, car natural gas filling station, a car sales facility.
The ground has a boarder with asphalt road. Electricity, gas nearby. . Outlook for commercial construction site. Approximately 20 minutes drive from city center. Land plot is in very good strategic place.Home page:

Prix : 286104 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 113860
  • Lieu : Lettonie (98)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Immobilier a Vendre / Terrains
  • Annonce consultée 1238 fois -
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